Browse Items (200 total)

This image represents a woman, a man and a skeleton in a room. The men appears on the floor and the woman on the bed. It is thus a joint death of a man and a woman. The man seems to have tried to defend himself with a sword, whereas the woman seems…

In this emblem death represented as a neutral skeleton looks at a tree that has chopped down. The tree represents empress Maria of Austria. From the tree stump new sprouts are growing.

The reproductive function of the empress gives rise to a new…

A nude woman is being held by a skeleton with hair and wings. The skeleton is holding the woman by her hands. Gender perspective: The angel of Death may be interpreted as a male since it is taller than the woman and its left arm is noticeably…

Death and the Young Gallant, by Anonymous (1508, c.)
Two panels painted on the exterior of Markham Chantry Chapel in Newark St Mary Magdalene Church, Newark (Nottinghamshire). The left panel represents death portrayed as a skeleton with feminine qualities such as breasts. The right panel represents a…

This image represents three young nude women forming a circle, and a skeleton staring at one of the women. The woman in the center is placing her right foot on a skull, that does not present any sex or gender traits.

Gender perspective: This…

This image represents death on the left, depicted as a neutral skeleton that seems to be an agent in a gender transformation between a girl and a boy (on the center and right), or at least a transforming agent between two figures of undefined gender…

This engraving represents a young couple (man and woman) that are faced with a skeleton representing death. The skeleton is wrapped with a shroud. It is thus representative of one death for both genders.
The fact that the engraving represents a…

The woodcut represents an army lead by an officer on a horse. Prisoners, women and animals are also represented, in addition to a wagon being pulled by a horse on the left. On the left, death represented by a winged skeleton on a horse holds an…

This image represents two Pulcinellas being approached by a skeleton dressed as an old woman. The dress and posture of the skeleton are reminiscent of the Celestinesque or procuress tradition being represented as old women.

Original title: Todten-Tanz, wie derselbe in der löblichen Stadt Basel zu sehen ist ("Death dance as seen in the laudable city of Basel")."Death and the Empress; after Holbein the Younger; Death at left holding the right hand of the Empress at right;…
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