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death and gender.png
Original title: De strijd tussen goed en kwaad ("The battle between good and evil").The engraving portrays an allegorical representation of evil. On the right, a monster with its mouth open from which personifications of vices appears. Next to the…

Male and female bodies on the cover of Mikrokosmographia, by Anonymous (1615)
Engraving of male and female bodies that appear on the cover of Mikrokosmographia: A description of the body of man: Together with the controversies thereto belonging, byHelkiah Crooke (1615), printed in London by William Iaggard dwelling in the…

The Three Living and the Three Dead, by Anonymous (1500, c.)
Detail of a miniature of the Three Living and the Three Dead at the beginning of the Office of the Dead, from the Hours of Joanna I of Castile, southern Netherlands (Ghent?), c. 1500,Add MS 35313, f. 158v. This miniature may be a copy of a similar…

The Three Living and the Three Dead, by Anonymous (1480, c.)
Image depicting the three living and the dead, in Book of Hours of Mary of Burgundy and Emperor Maximilian (1480). The three living appear riding horses and are being attacked by the three dead represented by skeletons. At the centre, one of the…

Death and the Young Gallant, by Anonymous (1508, c.)
Two panels painted on the exterior of Markham Chantry Chapel in Newark St Mary Magdalene Church, Newark (Nottinghamshire). The left panel represents death portrayed as a skeleton with feminine qualities such as breasts. The right panel represents a…

Dead woman in Richard DayA Booke of Christian Prayers, by Daye (printer) (1578)
Death approaching a baronnesse. Notice how the clearly female corpse at the bottom of the page mirrors the generic skeleton at the top of the page. A similar image can be seen at Davidson, Clifford, Sophie Oosterwijk, John Lydgate, and EBSCOhost.…

Back to back with Death, by Anonymous (1500, c.)
Images 1-6 show two sculptures, the first one carved in wood, the second one in ivory. They both represent sensual female figures that are attached to skeletons as their doppelgangers. Notice the absence of any remains of the breasts in the…

death of mary.png
The image shows death portrayed as a royal skeleton with a crown and on a golden throne with a retinue approaching. The image is probably a commentry of the following passage from the manuscript:"O vous qui ce livre lisezPensez bien a ceste…

Eve, the Serpent and Death, by Baldung (1510, c.)
The image shows two figures, a young woman naked and holding an apple and a young man whose body is decomposing and part of his skeleton is showing. His body is partly covered by a tree and a snake bites the man's arm. The trio represent Adam, Eve…

"I smiled then, and told him: Your Grace, sir, you have not understood this mystery: you will have to know that this image that you mention is a painting made with a certain trace, now invented with certain slats, which painted on one side make it…
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