Browse Items (200 total)

This image shows a queen and a skeleton. The skeleton has flesh from the neck down and has feminine attributes such as hair and breasts. There is also a snake wrapped around her neck. This death represents the death of queens or important women, as…

This image represents a mother holding a crib and her child. Behind the woman, a skeleton appears with a veil, similar to the one the mother is wearing. Death is thus mocking the victim it came to look for by wearing the same attributes as her, such…

"In Murer's play this etching accompanies a speech about purification through martyrdom. It shows allegorically how the human soul is tested by life's tribulations. The soul is refined in an ironworks (the universe) by a team of metalworkers: a good…

Nicolás Omazur, by Murillo (1672)
These portraits represent Nicolás Omazur (image 1) and his wife Isabel del Malcampo (image 2), who commissioned these separate portraits from Murillo.

Gender perspective: The skull in his portrait (image 1) is represented with the flower his wife…

A woman in the center of the picture is dressed in a red dress. Two skeletons are dancing on both of her sides. They are semi-covered by a white cloth. On the left side, a man wears a crown and holds a sword and the globus cruciger.Gender…

The engraving represents three allegorical figures: Satan, sin and death. Satan is represented on the left by a winged man that is trying to attack death. Sin is in the middle of the two figures trying to impede the conflict, and is represented by a…

Although this is a modern mural, it represents an image of traditional and older authority in the form of men with academic positions versus a woman in the act of giving birth. All of these are depicted as skeletons, including the babies. Despite so,…

The painting depicts a still life picture with walnuts. Many critics see in this painting a vanitas and the nuts like skulls.

Gender perspective: Since it is a metaphorical use of a fruit to depict human beings, all references to gender…

The painting depicts a female angel holding a globe and a portrait in front of two tables filled with objects. On the left, there are seven skulls piled up near a rifle, armor, candle and hourglass. On the right there is a gold and ornate clock,…

Triumph of Death, by The Master of Petrarch's Triumphs (1500, c.)
Extract from The Triumph of Death, by Francesco Petrarca (Petrarch) Part 1: "A lady clothed in black, whose stern looks wereWith horror fill'd, and did like hell appear,Advanced, and said, "You who are proud to beSo fair and young, yet have no eyes…
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