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This emblem appears above a dialogue about the prostitute, Lais de Corinto (translation):
"L. Who lies here in this grave?
A. Lais, who was from Corinto.
L. ¿And how did hard death spoil
So much beauty that used to darken the sun?
A. She was…

A woman on the left partially covers her face with a veil. Her eye and part of her right hand are not covered by the veil. The rest of her body is portrayed as a skeleton. A man on the right looks at her while holding his hat.Several traditions are…

This mural depicts the final judgement, where Jesus appears in the center surrounded by angels. The bottom part of the mural represents the earth where human souls are being separated: those going to heaven appear on the left, whereas those condemned…

"Death comes to the duke in the guise of a woman - wearing a bonnet. Behind the duke is a flag draped coffin on a stretcher — the same coffin that stands behind the nobleman in Holbein's great dance of death. The horror is painted in the Duke's face;…

This engraving shows Christ in the centre holding a cross, a man kneeling on the left, a woman on the right and three children next to the woman. On the ground under the cross there is a skull and a snake around it.

Gender perspective: Death,…

In these two panels, the artist portrays the crucifixion of Christ on the left and the Judgment day on the right. In the second panel we can see Christ in the top center, heaven is represented on the top half of the panel and hell on the bottom half.…

"The painting is related to the architectural space and the legend tells that, during the funeral, two saints from heaven appeared: Saint Augustine (represented as a bearded old man with a tiara) and Saint Stephen (represented as a young man). Under…

death and gender.png
Original title: De strijd tussen goed en kwaad ("The battle between good and evil").The engraving portrays an allegorical representation of evil. On the right, a monster with its mouth open from which personifications of vices appears. Next to the…

"An astronomer is studying at a table with a book open to him. He looks up and points to an armillarium (astronomical instrument) hanging above the table. Next to him is Death with a skull in his skeleton hands. The top margin with the Latin…

This image represents a couple, a man and a woman. In the middle of the couple, there is an hourglass on top of a coat of arms. The death coat of arms has metal parts. The skeleton arms holding the hourglass look like a modern monster or automate,…
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