Browse Items (200 total)

"Bead from a chaplet or rosary; carved ivory with traces of red and black paint. Formed of four half-length figures placed back to back. One represents a young man in the costume of the time with cap turned up and jewelled and a fur-collared jacket…

Death, young and old woman, a servant or procuress, coins.

"The eerie disembowelment on Elizabeth is said to depict the hollow where once their was a womb. On inspection we found a large spider had spun a web within adding more creepiness to the macabre skeleton. The idea of depicting the couple as cadavers…

A skeleton is holding an inscribed plaque while pointing at it. The skeleton is semi-covered by a cloth, including the skull.

A woman in the center of the picture is dressed in a red dress. Two skeletons are dancing on both of her sides. They are semi-covered by a white cloth. On the left side, a man wears a crown and holds a sword and the globus cruciger.Gender…

Original title: Todten-Tanz, wie derselbe in der löblichen Stadt Basel zu sehen ist ("Death dance as seen in the laudable city of Basel")."Death and the Empress; after Holbein the Younger; Death at left holding the right hand of the Empress at right;…

Original title: Ein Kampfgesprech zwischen dem Todt und dem Natürlichen Leben ("A struggle conversation between death and natural life")."Death; holding a scythe, standing to right; an hourglass on a tree stump at right; the body of two men on the…

A nude woman is being held by a skeleton with hair and wings. The skeleton is holding the woman by her hands. Gender perspective: The angel of Death may be interpreted as a male since it is taller than the woman and its left arm is noticeably…

"Death comes to the duke in the guise of a woman - wearing a bonnet. Behind the duke is a flag draped coffin on a stretcher — the same coffin that stands behind the nobleman in Holbein's great dance of death. The horror is painted in the Duke's face;…

Text translated:"Representation between two text blocks: above four-line salutation of death to the nobleman, below the nobleman's complaint. The illustration shows Death with two hanging breasts and an apron around the loin, who has put his right…
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