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Tomb of John Fitzalan, Earl of Arundel, at Fitzalan Chapel, church of St Nicholas in Arundel Castle, Arundel, UK. It is a two-tier tomb: on the upper tier, John Fitzalan is portrayed in flesh and bones and dressed in his armor. On the lower tier, he…

Original title: Transi de Guillaume Lefranchois ("Transi of Guillaume Lefranchois").

This statue is a representation of "memento mori" or "transi". These monuments represent a deceased person in the form of a skeleton. In this representation, the…

A skeleton with wings holds an hourglass with wings while sitting on a pedestal. Its intimate parts are covered by a shroud. The skeleton looks at a man lying on the floor naked with a shroud covering his intimate parts as he is writing.

This image represents death, portrayed by a skeleton, trampling three young women who appear lying underneath. The skeleton has a veil over its skull, a traditionally feminine trait.

Hallstatt Charnel House, Austria, by Unknown (1720)
These images depict the ossuary in St. Michael's Chapel in Hallstatt, Austria. What is interesting about this ossuary is that over 600 painted skulls are displayed. According to Hallstatt World Heritage site…

The reliquaries containing the skull (first image) and the skinattached to the skull(second image) of Mary Magdalene were created by an unknown artist, presumably around 1860.Gender perspective: Even though the skull and the skin are characterized as…

Gravestone of Mary Lattimer, by Unknown (1681)
Images 1 and 2 are gravestones that belong to Mary Lattimer (1681) and Christopher Lattimore (1690) respectively, in Old Burial Hill, Marblehead.In the first two gravestones, we can see a winged skull. This is the same representation for both genders…

Reliquary of St. John the Baptist in Amiens Cathedral (France), by Unknown (1220)
These photographies show the reliquary of what is believed to be St. John the Baptist's skull. "During the Fourth Crusade (1202–1204), Wallon de Sarton, a Crusader from French Picardy, discovered in the ruins of a palace in Constantinople, a relic…

These photographies show the reliquary of what is believed to be St. John the Baptist's skull."In 1557, Duke Wilhelm V was officially granted the right to collect relics by the Pope. He amassed a notable collection of human remains of unknown…

"Several legends were told about the striking transi of François de Sarrà in La Sarraz, Switzerland. One legend stated that he died a violent death while hunting and fell into a lake. When he was found much later by his family he was covered with…
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