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The image represents the Heathen and his wife on the left holding hands. On the right, a skeleton with a veil and breasts looks at the couple and holds the Heathen's hand. The skeleton is thus represented as female but attends to both genders the…

Original title: Magdalena penitente ("Penitent Magdalen").

This image represents Mary Magdalen doing penance. She is covered with a blue shroud and looks up with tears in her eyes. She is holding a skull that presents no gender traits. On her left…

This painting represents Queen Elizabeth I sitting and with her head resting on her right hand. Two cherubs appear above her head holding a crown, an old man (Old Father Time) appears on the left, and a skeleton with an hourglass appears on the…

This image is the title-page ofThe History of the World by Walter Ralegh (1615).The image represents the globe in the top centre, two female angels on each side, a woman in the centre underneath the globe holding it and two more female figures at…

This image represents Mary Magdalen meditating and looking up. Her right hand is placed over her chest, while her left hand rests on a genderless skull, which in turn rests on an open book.

"The painting is related to the architectural space and the legend tells that, during the funeral, two saints from heaven appeared: Saint Augustine (represented as a bearded old man with a tiara) and Saint Stephen (represented as a young man). Under…

The engraving portrays a young couple looking at each other. Behind them, a tree trunk. Peeking out of the tree and staring at the couple, a skeleton holding an hourglass. Gender perspective: In this engraving death represented by the skeleton is the…

"In this stunning engraving, Dürer recast the theme of memento mori in a brilliantly unusual form. The woman in patrician dress is identified by her crown as a bride, but the person who embraces her from behind is a wild man. This traditional figure…

Michelangelo's fresco depicts the day of the last judgment. Particularly in this section of the fresco, we find that both men and women are portrayed using common clothing, namely a shroud, after death. The artist also portrays desexualized nudity in…

This mural depicts the final judgement, where Jesus appears in the center surrounded by angels. The bottom part of the mural represents the earth where human souls are being separated: those going to heaven appear on the left, whereas those condemned…
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