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Michelangelo's fresco depicts the day of the last judgment. Particularly in this section of the fresco, we find that both men and women are portrayed using common clothing, namely a shroud, after death. The artist also portrays desexualized nudity in…

The painting depicts the day of the final judgment. Christ is at the center, whereas the top half of the painting represents heaven and the bottom half represents the earth.

In the bottom half of the painting, the artist portrays a desexualized…

Although this is a modern mural, it represents an image of traditional and older authority in the form of men with academic positions versus a woman in the act of giving birth. All of these are depicted as skeletons, including the babies. Despite so,…

The image represents a coat of arms and in its center a child inside a coffin. Two dead people appear on each side of the coat of arms and although visible gender differences appear between them, the child lacks any gender trait. The dead woman on…

"The inscription on the pedestal could be roughly translated as: 'We all have to die, the rich mingled with the poor'. This anonymous and very rare print has an oddly humorous side. As they reveal a stonetondo carved with dead bodies, the winged…

This illustration shows men and women's souls being chained and tormented by different creatures in hell. The punishment is equal for both sexes. These appear in the center of the image as symmetrically inversed, their genitals being the center…

"An old man, with one hand in a money-box, grips the shoulder of a young woman who rests her arm on the shoulder of a young man; Death rests his hand on the shoulder of the old man." (Description from Emblematica Online - Resources for Emblem…

Death, represented by a skeleton with hair and a beard and holding a scythe, kills a woman who is lying on the floor.

This image represents a little girl being burnt on a stake by a man. A winged cherub is holding the girl.

In this illustration, four gentlemen and a woman are standing outside. On the left, a skeleton is holding a scythe while staring at them. The skeleton is not depicted with any specific gender traits.
The image overall represents the idea of one…
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