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Five skeletons are depicted in this illustration dancing around a grave. one of the skeletons is in the grave in a state of decomposition while covered by a shroud and with snakes crawling around its body. On the left, another skeleton is playing the…

A skeleton with wings holds an hourglass with wings while sitting on a pedestal. Its intimate parts are covered by a shroud. The skeleton looks at a man lying on the floor naked with a shroud covering his intimate parts as he is writing.

"Several legends were told about the striking transi of François de Sarrà in La Sarraz, Switzerland. One legend stated that he died a violent death while hunting and fell into a lake. When he was found much later by his family he was covered with…

"The sinner in the jaws of Hell; the skeleton-like figure with a snake wrapped around its body stands in the mouth of a monster, out of which fire sparks; the cut is surrounded by letterpress verses." (Description from The British Museum, London,…

Original title: Transi de Guillaume Lefranchois ("Transi of Guillaume Lefranchois").

This statue is a representation of "memento mori" or "transi". These monuments represent a deceased person in the form of a skeleton. In this representation, the…

Tomb of John Fitzalan, Earl of Arundel, at Fitzalan Chapel, church of St Nicholas in Arundel Castle, Arundel, UK. It is a two-tier tomb: on the upper tier, John Fitzalan is portrayed in flesh and bones and dressed in his armor. On the lower tier, he…

"The painting is related to the architectural space and the legend tells that, during the funeral, two saints from heaven appeared: Saint Augustine (represented as a bearded old man with a tiara) and Saint Stephen (represented as a young man). Under…

On the cover of this anatomy book, several scenes are represented. Most of these depict a scientific environment, such as a person attending another person's injuries, or a table surrounded by men pointing at and inspecting the inside of a person's…

Original title: Vrolijk gezelschap dat door de dood wordt gestoord ("Cheerful company disturbed by death").This painting represents a banquet, where some of the guests are humans, and others are skeletons. Most of the skeletons on the left seem to…

Original title: Dood naast een klein meisje ("Death next to a little girl")."Death dancing next to a girl. In the left foreground you can see the girl's grave with the date on which the drawing was made or on which the girl died. On the right is a…
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