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Original title: De overwinning van de Schilderkunst over de Dood ("The Victory of Painting over Death").The painting depicts a room. In the center of the room, a young woman with her mouth covered is painting a tower. To her right, another young…

Original title: Vrouw (Aeltien?) staand naast de Dood in de Sint-Michaëlskerk, Zwolle ("Woman (Aaltje?) Standing next to Death in the Sint-Michaëlskerk, Zwolle")."Woman standing in the choir of the Sint-Michaëlskerk in Zwolle, possibly Gesina's…

Adam and Eve, by Beham (1543)
"For disobeying God’s orders and eating the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, Adam and Eve received the punishment of mortality, hard work, and pain. A skeleton, an obvious symbol of death, forms the trunk of the fatal tree, and…

The noblewoman/married couple, from the mix of Holbein's and Basel's Dance of Death published by Frölich (1581)
Image 1: The noblewoman/married couple, from the mix of Hoblein's and Basel's Dance of Death published by Huldrich Frölich (1581).Image 2: The Queen, by Giovanni Battista Manni (1675).Image 3: Queen/Beauty, in Vana pulchritudo, by Guy Marchant (1485,…

The engraving portrays a young couple looking at each other. Behind them, a tree trunk. Peeking out of the tree and staring at the couple, a skeleton holding an hourglass. Gender perspective: In this engraving death represented by the skeleton is the…

In this portrait of Saint Francis Borgia, he appears holding a skull with a crown. The skull is that of Queen Isabel of Portugal. Queen Isabel's beauty was greatly admired by Saint Francis, however, she died at a young age. Just before burring her…

Original title: Trompe l'oeil painting of man, woman, death, in El Donado Hablador Alonso, Mozo de Muchos Amos ("Optical illusion painting of man, woman, death in The Granted Speaker Alonso, Lad of Many Owners")Fragment from El Donado Hablador…

Fragment 1: Fragment of the sonnet ¿Estamos entre cristianos? (Are we among Christians?) by Quevedo:"Son las dos como un retratoDestos que hacen modernos,Que por el un lado es NarcisoY por el otro, Sardesco."Translation:"They are both like one of…

Fragment from El Criticón, by Gracián inEl invierno de la vejez (the winter of old age) by Lorenzo Gracián, Madrid (1657), (pp. 350-352) "—Es—dixo el ministro que estava en medio de ambos—que la miráis por diferentes lados, y assí haze diferentes…

This illustration, representing the death of a Queen appears in the second volume of theMiroer SalutaireorLa danse macabre nouuelle,named:La danse macabre des femmes / Et le debat du corps et de lamebyGuyot Marchant (1486).According to the text, the…
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