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Dance of Death, the empress by Hollar (1651)
These woodcuts portray an empress and a skeleton surrounded by young women. The skeleton embodies the typical case of feminine death specific for women, as it is represented with breasts and its skull is covered with the same item as the other young…

Dance of Death, the Noblewoman / Married Couple, by Hollar (1651)
These images represent a Noblewoman and her husband holding hands while a skeleton plays the drums near them. The skeleton in the first three images is presented with hair, a traditionally feminine trait, whereas it appears without it in the last…

Dance of Death, the Queen, by Hollar (1816)
This image represents a skeleton taking a queen surrounded by young women. These images are examples of death as jester or fool, as the skeleton wears a fool's hat. Its costume parodies some of the elements of the dead, among these the clothes, and…

This image represents a couple, a man and a woman. In the middle of the couple, there is an hourglass on top of a coat of arms. The death coat of arms has metal parts. The skeleton arms holding the hourglass look like a modern monster or automate,…

The noblewoman/married couple, from the mix of Holbein's and Basel's Dance of Death published by Frölich (1581)
Image 1: The noblewoman/married couple, from the mix of Hoblein's and Basel's Dance of Death published by Huldrich Frölich (1581).Image 2: The Queen, by Giovanni Battista Manni (1675).Image 3: Queen/Beauty, in Vana pulchritudo, by Guy Marchant (1485,…

"An astronomer is studying at a table with a book open to him. He looks up and points to an armillarium (astronomical instrument) hanging above the table. Next to him is Death with a skull in his skeleton hands. The top margin with the Latin…

"An abbot is pulled by his robe. Death is mockingly depicted as a bishop with a miter and staff. In the margin above the print is the text Prover. V." (Translated description fromRijksmuseum,…

"Death comes to the duke in the guise of a woman - wearing a bonnet. Behind the duke is a flag draped coffin on a stretcher — the same coffin that stands behind the nobleman in Holbein's great dance of death. The horror is painted in the Duke's face;…

The graves open on the day of judgement; Christ, apostles and female saints look on, by Heemskerk (1564)
This engraving depicts judgement day. The top section represents heaven and the lower section represents earth. Christ is placed in the centre-upper section of the engraving. The apostles are placed on the top right, and female saints on the top…

"Bible. N.T. Revelation; Matthew 24. The ranks are divided into left and right, saved and damned. On the right hand side, devils prod the unruly mass into rank and file. In the middle, hybrids of skeleton and human emerge from the ground. Around…
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