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The illustration on the cover of this edition shows two naked children on the top of the illustration with two skulls next to them. In the center, a man on the left and a skeleton on the right hold a cloth with the title of the book. The bottom…

The sacred heart of Jesus, by Cabrera (1750, c.)
These images represent a tradition that depicted Jesus and other religious individuals as hearts. These hearts tend to ne anatomically identical, although Virgin Mary's tend to be represented with daggers, whereas Jesus' is represented with thorns.…

This illustration represents the bodies of a man on the left and a woman on the right. Other human body parts are depicted on either side of the illustration. Even though both genders are represented on either side, some common organs, such as…

This illustration represents two newborn children. The description in Latin reads "Ossa et cartilagines embryonis proponuntur fig. 1. Embryonis quadraginta durorum dierum fig. II. Embryonis circiter trimestris, sceleton.”. The Latin description…

This illustration represents a newborn child. The description in Latin reads "Ossium et cartilaginum pueri recenter nati constructio", indicating that the child is male. The gender of the newborn is marked by the allusion of the bow to cupid.

Gravestone of Mary Lattimer, by Unknown (1681)
Images 1 and 2 are gravestones that belong to Mary Lattimer (1681) and Christopher Lattimore (1690) respectively, in Old Burial Hill, Marblehead.In the first two gravestones, we can see a winged skull. This is the same representation for both genders…

The reliquaries containing the skull (first image) and the skinattached to the skull(second image) of Mary Magdalene were created by an unknown artist, presumably around 1860.Gender perspective: Even though the skull and the skin are characterized as…

Provost represents Judgment day, where he positions Christ in the top center of the painting. The top half represents heaven, whereas the bottom half represents the earth. Similar to other representations of the final judgment(The Crucifixion; The…

Original title: Das Große Jüngste Gericht ("The Great Last Judgment").Rubens depicts Judgment day in this painting. We can see Christ represented in the center top section of the painting. This top half of the painting represents heaven, whereas the…

In these two panels, the artist portrays the crucifixion of Christ on the left and the Judgment day on the right. In the second panel we can see Christ in the top center, heaven is represented on the top half of the panel and hell on the bottom half.…
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