Eve, the Serpent and Death, by Baldung (1510, c.)

Eve, the Serpent and Death, by Baldung (1510, c.)


Eve, the Serpent and Death, by Baldung (1510, c.)


The image shows two figures, a young woman naked and holding an apple and a young man whose body is decomposing and part of his skeleton is showing. His body is partly covered by a tree and a snake bites the man's arm. The trio represent Adam, Eve and the Serpent.

Gender perspective: The male figure shares characteristics of death and Adam. It is as if Eve's sin had immediately affected Adam but not her. The snake unites the two figures as in an embrace.


Baldung, Hans (c. 1485–1545)


1510, c.


Oil on wood.
Dimensions: 64 × 32.5 cm

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