Death made up of two contradictory natures, fragments of sonnets by Quevedo (1877)


Death made up of two contradictory natures, fragments of sonnets by Quevedo (1877)


Fragment 1: Fragment of the sonnet ¿Estamos entre cristianos? (Are we among Christians?) by Quevedo:
"Son las dos como un retrato

Destos que hacen modernos,
Que por el un lado es Narciso
Y por el otro, Sardesco."

"They are both like one of those modern portraits:
on the one side, she's
and on the other, Sardesco.

Fragment 2: Fragment of a sonnet attributed to Quevedo:
"A un retrato que por una parte tenía el rostro de una dama y por otra la figura de la Muerte."

To a portrait that on the one side had the face of a lady and on the other the figure of Death."


Quevedo y Santibáñez Villegas, Francisco Gómez de (1580-1645)


Fragment 1: Fragment of the sonnet ¿Estamos entre cristianos? (Are we among Christians?) by Quevedo. In: Obras de Don Francisco de Quevedo Villegas colección completa, corregida, ordenada e ilustrada por Don Aureliano Fernandez-Guerra y Orbe: Poesias (Works by Mr Francisco de Quevedo Villegas, completed, corrected, ordered and illustrated collection by Mr Don Aureliano Fernandez-Guerra y Orbe: Poetry), Volume 3. Rivadeneyra, (1877), p. 189, XLIX. Volume 69 of Biblioteca de autores españoles

Fragment 2: Fragment of a sonnet attributed to Quevedo. In: Obras de Don Francisco de Quevedo Villegas colección completa, corregida, ordenada e ilustrada por Don Aureliano Fernandez-Guerra y Orbe: Poesias (Works by Mr Francisco de Quevedo Villegas, completed, corrected, ordered and illustrated collection by Mr Don Aureliano Fernandez-Guerra y Orbe: Poetry), Volume 3. Rivadeneyra, (1877), p. 496, number 828. Volume 69 of Biblioteca de autores españoles

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Fragments of sonnets.

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