Sexually undifferentiated holy hearts of males and females

The sacred heart of Jesus, by Cabrera (1750, c.)
Angel with basket of hearts, by Unknown (1750, c.)


Sexually undifferentiated holy hearts of males and females


These images represent a tradition that depicted Jesus and other religious individuals as hearts. These hearts tend to ne anatomically identical, although Virgin Mary's tend to be represented with daggers, whereas Jesus' is represented with thorns. Other individuals' hearts are not clearly differentiated on a symbolic level.


Image 1: Cabrera, Miguel (c. 1715-1768)
Image 2: Unknown


Image 1:
Courtesy of the Museo Nacional del Virreinato (National Museum of the Viceroyalty), Tepotzotlán, Estado de México. El Sagrado Corazón de Jesús ("The sacred heart of Jesus") by Cabrera, Miguel (1750, c.).

Image 2:
Courtesy of the Museo Nacional del Virreinato (National Museum of the Viceroyalty), Tepotzotlán, Estado de México.
Ángel con canasta de corazones ("Angel with basket of hearts") by Unknown (1750, c.).


1750, c.


Image 1:
Oil on canvas.
Dimensions: 140 × 198 cm

Image 2:
Carved and polychrome wood.
Dimensions: 71.3 × 18.7 cm

Item Relations

Item: Saint Peter and Mary Magdalen, by Lombart (1655) Is related to This Item
