Undifferentiated souls with wings and skull on English tombstones, by Unknown (1700, c.)

Gravestone of Mary Lattimer, by Unknown (1681)
Gravestone of Christopher Lattimore, by Unknown (1690)
Gravestones of Susannah Addis nee Farlee (1742) and Phillip Ades-Addis (1724), by Unknown
Gravestone of Margaret Adams, by Unknown (1767)


Undifferentiated souls with wings and skull on English tombstones, by Unknown (1700, c.)


Images 1 and 2 are gravestones that belong to Mary Lattimer (1681) and Christopher Lattimore (1690) respectively, in Old Burial Hill, Marblehead.

In the first two gravestones, we can see a winged skull. This is the same representation for both genders and was a common symbol to use in New England's gravestones, termed as the "death's head" (see https://www.boston.gov/departments/parks-and-recreation/iconography-gravestones-burying-grounds, Archived in: https://web.archive.org/web/20201101011013/https://www.boston.gov/departments/parks-and-recreation/iconography-gravestones-burying-grounds).

These gravestones represent a winged death, possibly originating from the exchange of arrows by mistake with Cupid (related to other images such as Death stealing Cupid's arrows, by Richer (1584)) although there seems to be no connection here.

Image 3 shows the gravestones of Susannah Addis nee Farlee (1742) and Phillip Ades-Addis (1724), in Little BirchHerefordshire Unitary AuthorityHerefordshireEngland. Whereas image 4 shows the gravestone belonging to Margaret Adams (1767) in All Saints Churchyard, WestbereCity of CanterburyKentEngland. 

These British gravestones show winged cherubs in all graves regardless of the gender of the deceased. The fact that they are cherubs, which are generally male cupid-like children, is interesting because it is contradictory to the feminine image of the soul in some Latin countries (due to its grammatical gender).




Images 1 and 2: Gravestones in Old Burial Hill, Marblehead, Massachusetts, the United States.

Found in Old Burial Hill, Marblehead website http://www.oldburialhill.org/pond/pond_cluster_01a.html#lattimer

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Image 3: Gravestones of Susannah Addis nee Farlee (1742) on the left and Phillip Ades-Addis (1724) on the right, in Little BirchHerefordshire Unitary AuthorityHerefordshireEngland.

Found in Find a grave website:


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Image 4: Gravestone belonging to Margaret Adams (1767) in All Saints Churchyard, WestbereCity of CanterburyKentEngland. 

Found in Find a grave website: 

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Image 1: 1681
Image 2: 1690
Image 3: 1742 and 1724
Image 4: 1767


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